
One of the best tasting & easy bake recipes you will ever come across is Koh. 
I was in such a mood to make this cold, light dessert and knew it would be great to post on the blog.
(As for the name, my apologies. I'm not sure what the translation in English would be.)
Take 6 eggs & 6 Tablespoons sugar.
Beat with an electric mixer on the highest setting. 
When the mix gets super fluffy and foamy, turn your speed down to the lowest setting.
While on the lowest setting, mix in the following a little at a time:
2 Tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 Tablespoons instant cream of wheat.
This is how it should look:
The next step is one that you can tweak for your own pleasure.
Do you like your cake thin or thick?
I like this dessert thin so I placed it in a cookie sheet (11 by 17).
I find it bakes the best for me.
Coat your pan or dish with vegetable shortening before pouring the batter in.
Bake at 350 until golden brown like this:
When it's done, you'll heat 1 1/2 cups of milk with 3 Tablespoons of sugar.
Take your hot, sweetened milk and pour it lightly over your cake in a row pattern.
Refrigerate 2 hours before serving.
I have a feeling that this will be a hit with many of you in the warmer months!
I love to shave milk chocolate onto two layers and sprinkle it with some cocoa:)
Hope you enjoy!


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