Grand Gingerbread

It's that time of year again, the time for everything gingerbready! But how many of you have actually tried "ginger" bread? If you're interested, this is a quick and easy recipe that'll be a sure win with family and friends!

For the recipe, I returned to my vintage red tin of long forgotten recipes. With Thanksgiving just days away, I was in search of a flavorful dessert that would be perfect with some coffee or tea.

The walnuts submerged during baking, which I suppose is alright. They are a bit softer from the moist batter, instead of the crunchy baked crust I was envisioning. We could call this a good "oops", because it's d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!!

And that happy face.... just one of my girls loving this treat! Even though this "ginger-bread" is more cake like, this recipe is one I can't lose!

Hope you all enjoy!


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